IT as a Service

ITaaS offers the building blocks of the services a business requires from an IT Solution into an agile managed service

Managed Services

Providing you with management and assuming responsibility for providing a defined set of services to your proactively allowing you to determine the services that you require

IT Outsourcing

Designed to take your IT and provide it to your business as a utility including software and infrastructure providing a seamless experience while reducing costs

IT Support

Full IT support is designed for customers who want to retain ownership of their IT assets and services, we support your server and network infrastructure

IT Co-Sourcing

Designed for clients who already have on-site IT in place, but require our expertise and resources. We integrate our solutions around your existing internal services

Intacore Enterprise Cloud

Providing Intacore Managed Services with a fully integrated Enterprise Hosting environment for their cloud servers and solutions. Intacore provides business IT, network and communications services to information–intensive businesses across Europe.

  • CLIENT Intacore Managed Services
  • YEAR 2016
  • WE DID Enterprise Cloud Hosting
  • SECTORTechnology
  • USERS50
  • LOCATIONLondon